$3K Fix to Sell
Sell with Mountain Luxury and we’ll spot you $3,000 for home upgrades.

When considering the possibility of selling your home, the work involved in getting it in tip-top shape can seem very daunting. Even in the most well-loved homes, there are issues of wear and tear, updated design trends or other things to tidy up before your home can command a top dollar in this competitive market.
Better position your property to sell faster and for more money.
Mountain Luxury's 3K Fix to Sell program is here to help, offering that extra leg up to finalize any projects still needing completion prior to listing your home. Our agents will evaluate your home for the most needed work to gain the largest impact and we'll pick up the tab!* We're here to help you get the most from your home.
For more information about this program, please call us at 801-745-8400 or email by clicking the box below.
Offer Details
- 10% management fee paid upon closing
- If home does not sell, seller is to reimburse Mountain Luxury for repairs
- Upgrades must be approved by the broker