Rockwell Relay Series Ladies Pamperfest Challenge



Calling all our lady friends! Do you enjoy cycling? Do you enjoy being pampered? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should definitely check out the Rockwell Relay Series Ladies Pamperfest Challenge on July 20th!

Pamperfest Flier

The Rockwell Relay Series is a series of two relay cycling races.  In addition to the Ladies Pamperfest Challenge, the other Rockwell Relay Series race is known as the Rundown, a 516-mile relay race from Moab, Utah to St. George, Utah.  The Ladies Pamperfest Challenge is a 163-mile relay race from Snowbasin to Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah.

You’ll love the Ladies Pamperfest Challenge because it’s designated just for women.  In addition, all riders receive free pampering!  This includes massages, mini-manicures, chocolate fountains, or shopping booths at each relay exchange point.  So once you’re finished with your leg of the race, rest your weary muscles with a free massage, or enjoy a handful of chocolate-covered strawberries.  The Ladies Pamperfest Challenge isn’t so much a race as it is a day out with the girls!

In fact, if you are more interested in a fun day out with your lady friends, the Ladies Pamperfest Challenge offers an option for you—the Short Course.  The Short Course is designated for casual riders.  This course begins at Oakley Fair Park northeast of Kamas, Utah and follows the final three legs of the standard course—a total of 67 miles, or approximately 22 miles per leg. 

For more serious riders, the Standard Course is the option for you.  This course begins at Snowbasin Resort in Huntsville and is comprised of eight legs that vary in distance from 14.5 miles to 24 miles.   

Registration to compete in the Ladies Pamperfest Challenge is still open.  To compete in the Standard Course, you must register with a four- or two-person team.  On the other hand, you may compete in the Short Course by yourself or on a two- or three-person team.  To register, click here.

If you’re looking for lodging near Snowbasin, never fear; we have you covered.  Check out Lakeside Resort Properties, a beautiful condo resort on the southern shores of Pineview Reservoir in Huntsville.  Lakeside Resort Properties is the nearest lodging to Snowbasin, so you could wake up and be at the starting line in a matter of minutes.  For more information, contact us at 801-745-8400.

To learn more about the Rockwell Relay Series and the Ladies Pamperfest Challenge, click here

To see more upcoming events in Ogden and Ogden Valley, click here.

Trent Olsen contributed to this article.

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Mountain Luxury Real Estate is a division of Mountain Real Estate Companies that features some of real estate’s most amazing properties.  Mountain Real Estate Companies consists of two additional divisions, Mountain REO and Mountain Living.  Please visit our website to learn more about us.  For our most recent updates, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

By Brandi Hammon

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